Member Spotlight

18 Jan 2021

Kirsten Irving — ProCopywriters Member Spotlight

“Be professional, but do share things you’ve learned the hard way. Others will thank you for it.”

11 Jan 2021

Lucette Funnell — ProCopywriters Member Spotlight

“Say yes to all the opportunities that come your way.”

04 Jan 2021

Is Andrews — ProCopywriters Member Spotlight Revisited

“If I’ve stopped learning lessons, I’ve stopped improving. I’ll be developing as a clear, concise and persuasive writer as long as I’m working.”

14 Dec 2020

Emma Page — ProCopywriters Member Spotlight

“You don’t need a niche writer. You need a good writer.”

07 Dec 2020

Lorna McGachie — ProCopywriters Member Spotlight

 “Say yes to every job and figure out a way to make it happen afterwards. You’ll always find a solution.”

30 Nov 2020

Lucy Fletcher — ProCopywriters Member Spotlight Revisited

“I don’t think you need to home in on a niche too soon, it’s okay to take your time and get the experience/clients before deciding on
which path to take.”

16 Nov 2020

Laura Sands — ProCopywriters Member Spotlight

“Having a love for language and a GCSE in English isn’t enough, you need to invest in yourself. So be prepared to cough up on courses, conferences and networking.”

02 Nov 2020

Kate Coote — ProCopywriters Member Spotlight

“Learn to ask the right questions of your clients. You will invariably find yourself writing about subjects you know very little about, and a few clicks on Google is not the panacea of research.” 

26 Oct 2020

Katie Uniacke — ProCopywriters Member Spotlight

“You are not your business. Hard as it might be, try not to take bad feedback or rejection personally.”

19 Oct 2020

Kevin Dowling — ProCopywriters Member Spotlight

“Don’t allow people to trivialise your input or downplay your expertise. Don’t let them rush you, cut corners or ignore your boundaries and processes.”

Jonathan Wilcock, Senior Freelance Copywriter
05 Oct 2020

Member Spotlight Revisited – Jonathan Wilcock

“It’s so much easier to criticise than it is to create great work – so let’s forget the former and crack on with the latter.”

28 Sep 2020

Sharon Gethings — ProCopywriters Member Spotlight Revisited

“Why a client would want to pay less for poorer copy is beyond me – it’s their brand on the line!”

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