Member Spotlight

02 Sep 2019

Mary Whitehouse — ProCopywriters Member Spotlight Revisited

“I love being able to make an impact on my clients’ business. Not just with my writing but the insight I can give them based on donkey’s years of experience”.

05 Aug 2019

Helen Johns — ProCopywriters Member Spotlight

“Don’t discount yourself and your accomplishments.”

29 Jul 2019

Sally Fox — Procopywriters Members Spotlight

“I’m a sucker for a good research session. Finding a unique angle or an interesting statistic to bring my writing to life is like striking gold.”

01 Jul 2019

Anna Gunning — Member Spotlight Revisited

“I love looking at the way copy flows, so the individual components combine to make the reader think and feel differently.”

24 Jun 2019

Word Monster — ProCopywriters Company Spotlight

“Choose a niche and make it yours.”

Claire Storrow, copywriter
17 Jun 2019

Claire Storrow — ProCopywriters Member Spotlight

“However language changes, and whatever falls in and out of the vernacular, writing should reflect how people speak.”

Jane Adams, copywriter
11 Jun 2019

Jane Adams – ProCopywriters Member Spotlight

“Do some time in an agency if you can. I took a break from freelancing to work in a PR agency for a while and it really helped me to both raise my game in terms of work efficiency and realise my own worth commercially. “

Brian Jenner, Speechwriter
04 Jun 2019

Brian Jenner — Member Spotlight Revisited

“I left university wanting to become a journalist and writer. At 50, I’m a salesman with a passion for numbers. My young self would have been appalled.”

Matt Turner, copywriter
20 May 2019

Writers — ProCopywriters Company Spotlight

“Whatever we’re writing for, short or long form, it’s a real joy seeing ideas and words coming together – from the thinking to the structuring to the drafting to the crafting to the tweaking to sign-off.”

Claudia Benetello, copywriter
13 May 2019

Claudia Benetello — ProCopywriters Member Spotlight

“I love writing but hate editing. Writing is like falling in love, editing is like trying to make a relationship work!”

Karen Evennett, copywriter
06 May 2019

Karen Evennett — ProCopywriters Member Spotlight

“Always be professional. Never miss a deadline. Do the best job you can.”

Sarah Richards, Content Designer
29 Apr 2019

Content Design London — ProCopywriters Company Spotlight

“Content design is problem-solving. We look at a task, then how to get that across to the audience in a way that makes the most sense to them.”

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