Member Spotlight

09 Jan 2023

Dan Crowley – ProCopywriters Member Spotlight

“The trick is not to be too hard on yourself when you still can’t quite find the words.”

12 Dec 2022

Bonnie Harrington – ProCopywriters Member Spotlight

“There isn’t a part of writing I don’t like.”

05 Dec 2022

Lorna Young – ProCopywriters Member Spotlight

“Knowing that there’s no need to be constrained or defined by other people’s pigeon holes is a tremendously empowering mindset.”

21 Nov 2022

Jane Nizi – ProCopywriters Member Spotlight

“Clients sometimes seem to think it’s magic or luck, but there’s actually a process to getting the voice right”

07 Nov 2022

Tessa Parry-Wingfield – ProCopywriters Member Spotlight

“Befuddled briefs only lead to chaos”

31 Oct 2022

Meadhbh Hand ProCopywriters – Member Spotlight

“People say the most amazing and surprising things about topics that, on the surface, seem dull.”

17 Oct 2022

Fuschia Hutton — ProCopywriters Member Spotlight

“Go with your gut, even if it tells you the opposite of what the experts are saying”

10 Oct 2022

Ruth Sedar – ProCopywriters Member Spotlight

“Listen. Be a big old information sponge. And then get stuck in and write the shit first draft.”

Hannah Cook, copywriter
26 Sep 2022

Hannah Cook – ProCopywriters Member Spotlight

“I feel most proud when my work directly helps another small business owner to achieve something purposeful, and thrive.”

Laura Barritt, copywriter
05 Sep 2022

Laura Barritt – ProCopywriter Member Spotlight Revisited

“I get to write for people doing all kinds of weird and wonderful things, and picking their brains about what they do so I can bring it to life with words is loads of fun.”

22 Aug 2022

Tracy McIntosh – ProCopywriters Member Spotlight

“Don’t be afraid to specialise if you’re passionate and knowledgeable about an area.”

08 Aug 2022

Alice Hollis – ProCopywriters Member Spotlight Revisited

“I read, learn, write, question and evolve everyday – and love every second of it”

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