ProCopywriters Survey 2017

For the second year running we’ve asked hundreds of copywriters about their work, their goals, their earnings and their professional background. Click the link on the right to download the full report.

ProCopywriters Survey 2017 (pdf)

ProCopywriters Survey 2017

Download the PDF now


  • Copywriters love copywriting – only 0.5% want to change careers – PAGE 22
  • £339 is the average day rate for freelance copywriters –  PAGE 13
  • The difference between pay for men and women is 29% – PAGE 18
  • Per-word pricing is the least popular charging method – PAGE 12
  • University education is not a prerequisite for a career in copywriting – some of our highest-earning respondents left school after their GCSEs – and never went back – PAGE 17
  • Clients could use our help when it comes to commissioning and reviewing copy – PAGE 20

You can use our charts…

Want to discuss something in our survey report? You can get copies of all the charts and graphs on the PCN Flickr account. You can browse them, embed them, download them and adapt them, but please credit PCN as the original source.

More to explore

We’ll explore some of these findings in more detail in future blog posts. In particular, we would like to investigate why there is such as significant gender pay gap.


This report was produced with the help of 538 copywriters who took the time to complete our survey. We also had help from Ben Hampson, Helen Keevy, Anna Gunning and David McGuire – and loads of other copywriters who shared our survey online. Thanks for all your support!

Our survey report was designed by Anna Patience.
