Jo Watson

agoodwriteup Available for work

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If you google ‘Jo Watson’, what pings to the top of the page is a link to one of the finest writers in the world.

That writer is not me.

I’m the next one down.

Jo Watson - copywriter, trainer & mentor hired by people with great taste in copywriters.

I'm also a columnist for Freelancer Magazine, and thanks to the good people at Fisher King, I'm also a published author. 'TOT ANALYSIS: Why Running Your Business is Child's Play' is online and on shelves in all good bookshops - under Business/ Parenting/ Humour. Yes, really.

I'm coming for you, other Jo Watson.

I create copy. content & comms for people who want personality in their project, but the offer that my clients love most is my Sorted in 60®. The logo is on my banner, and I bang on about it a lot in my posts. Stop checking out my ®s and go visit my website for rave reviews.

Sorted in 60® sessions are bespoke to the needs of the savvy business owner, the conscientious career climber, or the one-man-band on a mission to do something brilliant. Sessions are creative, collaborative, and truly transformational, and whatever you want from your copy, content, messaging, branding, or comms, that’s exactly what we’ll work on together. With Sorted in 60®, you’ll either never need me again, or you’ll want to work with me forever. £325. Boom.

You're human, so at this point, you're clearly dying to work with the fabulous author of this piece. But this is LinkedIn, so I know what you're thinking:

"Jo, what's your WHY in business?"

🟣 Family?

⚫️ Abundance?

⚪️ Making a positive contribution?

No. I'm exceptionally arrogant about my writing, and thrive off adoration when people tell me how brilliant my work is. That's my why. That's what I want when you hire me.

Disclaimer: I have a Zoom-bombing cat called Barry. I can't guarantee which end you'll get. I’ve got a dark sense of humour and make inappropriate jokes. It's one of many reasons I “left a stable career" in teaching (Mum's words). Despite the snazzy Chartered Manager letters after my name, I’m a lover of swearing, sarcasm and puns. Oh, and I love a good song lyric or movie quote. Look out for those in your first draft, won't you.

I make tea with the milk in first. Bring the hate.

If you're still here but you're not smiling/ nodding along/ inhaling a breath of fresh air, don't DM me, because I'm not your girl. Otherwise, DM me, Sugar Tits.

And yes, I CAN write you a beautiful bio as brilliant as this one (£575). Or, I can flog you a resource to help you DIY. Boost Your Bio (£45).

Any questions, musings, or gut-wrenching concerns?




07866 312 264


  • Advertisements
  • Brochures and leaflets
  • Content design
  • Content marketing
  • Content strategy
  • Copy-editing
  • Conversion copywriting
  • PR and Journalism
  • Product descriptions
  • Tone of voice
  • Training and Consultancy
  • UX copywriting
  • B2B
  • B2C
  • Beauty
  • Brand Naming
  • Business, finance and law
  • Charities
  • Consumer goods
  • Education
  • Family and childcare
  • Healthcare and pharmaceuticals
  • Lifestyle
  • Property and interiors
  • Public sector
  • Sport, travel and leisure
Qualifications & Awards
Author of 'TOT ANALYSIS: Why Running Your Business is Child's Play'
Frequent contributor to ProCopywriters Blog
Columnist at Freelancer Magazine
Former Speaker @ CopyCon 2019 and 2020
CMgr MCMI - CMI Chartered Manager
PGCE - Qualified Teacher Status
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