Tracy Chesterson

Contented Copy Available for work

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Freelance Middleweight | Copy & Content Writing = Art + Science | Compelling | Clear | Captivating | Creative | Converts | Travel + Many Other Topics |

I’m Tracy, a Dorset-based Geordie. If you want your copy to tick all the right boxes, I’d love to help. I’ve crafted content for big brands, SEO agencies, charities, small start-ups, professional bloggers, and much more.

My clients are based in the UK, the US, Europe, Australia, and beyond. So switching between UK and US English is second nature. As is adopting - and honing - the right tone of voice (TOV) to suit your target audience and brand identity.

Variety is the spice of my working life. I’ve written about everything from accountancy, insurance, and money to clothing, food, lifestyle, parenting, travel, and more. Once I'd created multiple 200-word product descriptions for continence pads, I found that nothing really fazed me...

I have over five years of professional copywriting experience under my belt, and it all began with my own blog. So I know my way around WordPress and social media. Since then, I’ve written for all sorts of specialist websites, including a ton of travel websites. As well as many other commercial enterprises.

In the business, I’m what we call a middleweight copywriter. Experienced enough to mean you’re in safe hands, yet fresh enough to ensure creativity and continuous learning.

Here’s what I can do for you - and have already done for many contented clients:

Update old content
Draft press releases
Publish regular blogs
Hone your tone of voice
Tell compelling MSN stories
Put together engaging emails
Give AI writing the human touch
Find keywords for SEO purposes
Pen product descriptions that pop
Upload posts and pages to WordPress
Create landing and sales pages that sell
Perfect those social media profiles and posts
Compose ads, brochures, leaflets, and posters
Write awesome long-form, fact-packed, well-researched articles

As well as a whole lot more. I’ve even been known to write poetry and a novel in my spare time. My trio of blogs on food, music, and UK travel also see me waxing lyrical about my own interests.

What else? A few fun facts about me, perhaps. I’ve been around the world twice, and I have a lifelong obsession with the band INXS and their Australian homeland. I also have lexical-gustatory synaesthesia, which means that words and names have flavours for me. Well, it all makes the working day more interesting…

How about you? If you don’t know what stop words are and why they matter, or how to hide keywords for both flow and SEO, then you don’t need to. All you should know is that I can create compelling, clear, captivating copy that also converts.

If you find content writing a real chore, I can save you lots of time and stress. Words come naturally to me, which means two things. I love what I do - and I don’t waste any of the time you're paying for when getting on with the task.

Interested? Find out more about my rates, what I do, and my portfolio by visiting my website. Click the link below to visit No hidden charges - you’ll find my current hourly rate right there on the homepage.

*****Special rates currently available - check website for details!*****

Thanks for reading. Now, why not let me write for you?






  • Advertisements
  • Brochures and leaflets
  • Content design
  • Content marketing
  • Content strategy
  • Copy-editing
  • Conversion copywriting
  • Digital and SEO copywriting
  • Product descriptions
  • Tone of voice
  • B2C
  • Beauty
  • Charities
  • Consumer goods
  • Education
  • Family and childcare
  • Fashion
  • Lifestyle
  • Politics and Society
  • Property and interiors
  • Sport, travel and leisure
Qualifications & Awards
BSc Sociology 2:1 University of Salford
DNW SEO Fast Track course
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