Claudia Benetello

Italian Communications All-Rounder Available for work

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Choosing just the right external consultant isn’t easy.

On paper – or rather, on the web – freelance professionals might all seem alike.

Maybe deep down you’re even thinking, “One’s as good as any other.”

I’m different though.

If there’s something I’m particularly proud of, it’s having sat on opposite sides of the desk.

As a copywriter I write marketing and advertising copy, but as a transcreation specialist I adapt it from English and German to Italian.

As a translator I translate press releases, but when I used to be a freelance publicist, I would write them.

And as an interpreter I translate live for journalists at press conferences, but I first attended those kinds of press conference as a journalist.

Confused yet? Watch this 90 second video and you’ll get why I call myself an Italian communications all-rounder.

What I can do for you when it comes to marketing and advertising

Origination: I can create marketing and advertising copy in Italian, my mother tongue.

Transcreation: I can adapt your advertising and marketing copy from English or German into Italian so that it will not read like a translation – you want to have an impact on the Italian market! I am Italian, I live in Italy, I know how Italians think and what works for them.

Cultural consultation: I can analyse the elements in your advertising and marketing strategy (e.g. brand name, product name, creative idea) and advise on potential cultural challenges.

Not sure what transcreation is and why you need it? Check out my presentation at the University of Westminster:

Why should you hire me?

Versatility: I cater to all your needs, shifting easily and smoothly between different types of copy and industries.

Promptness: You can get in touch by phone or email around the clock.

Track record: My work for global brands regularly appears on television, magazines and advertising spaces in the form of TV commercials, print ads and billboards.

  • Advertisements
  • Brochures and leaflets
  • Copy-editing
  • PR and Journalism
  • Tone of voice
  • B2B
  • B2C
  • Beauty
  • Consumer goods
  • Fashion
  • Sport, travel and leisure
Qualifications & Awards
Specialised Masters in Copywriting and advertising communications, International University of Languages and Media (Milan, Italy) which included classes at the Miami Ad School (Miami, USA)
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