Kate Godfrey

  Available for work

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Approachable and affordable writer with a no-frills approach (unless frills are called-for). Specialising in working with small businesses, echoing tone-of-voice and style, to create copy that works. Let's talk. And drink coffee.




  • Advertisements
  • Brochures and leaflets
  • Content marketing
  • Copy-editing
  • Digital and SEO copywriting
  • PR and Journalism
  • Product descriptions
  • Tone of voice
  • B2B
  • B2C
  • Beauty
  • Charities
  • Consumer goods
  • Education
  • Family and childcare
  • Fashion
  • Lifestyle
  • Politics and Society
  • Property and interiors
  • Sport, travel and leisure


Blogs and Web Content for MyExquisite, Windsor

A couple of years ago, I was commissioned to polish up the website content for this supplier of rather lovely handbags, based in ...

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