Kay Worboys

  Available for work

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Do you need help with words?
Whether you're after an engaging blog, a brochure that sells your services in print as well as you do in person, website copy that ticks all the SEO boxes while still sounding human or could do with a hand with any kind of business or customer communication, I can help.

With a background as a features writer for newspapers and magazines, I moved into contract publishing where I created copy to tight marketing briefs and helped big international brands win more customers. I was involved with the launch of incentives such as store loyalty cards and member benefit schemes when they were in their infancy and helped high street brands to launch their websites when no one knew what online shopping was.

A move into digital marketing was a natural progression, and for the last decade I've been creating website content, blogs, social media marketing plans and helping SMEs create an online presence that works hard for them.

I still write print copy and occasionally write the odd feature for customer communications, including advertorials. Here's a handy list that covers my experience:

• Website content
• Blogs
• Digital marketing copy
• Sales letters
• Straplines and mission statements
• E-newsletters
• Proposals for sponsorship deals
• Quality statements
• Brochure copy
• Copy for flyers, storm boards and other sales promo materials
• Posters
• Packaging
• Product descriptions
• Customer communications
• B2B communications
• Press releases

When I'm not wrangling with words on screen, I mangle them in song! I love singing and perform with a small vocal harmony group in local care homes, community centres, hospitals, hospices and churches (anywhere where anyone will listen, really). Three kids and a passing interest in tennis, cycling and fitness keep me busy – a devotion to caffeine keeps me going.
You can catch me on 07973 765 721 if you want to chat about how I might be able to help you grow your business and retain customers.






  • Advertisements
  • Brochures and leaflets
  • Content marketing
  • Content strategy
  • Copy-editing
  • Digital and SEO copywriting
  • PR and Journalism
  • Product descriptions
  • Tone of voice
  • Training and Consultancy
  • B2B
  • B2C
  • Beauty
  • Consumer goods
  • Family and childcare
  • Lifestyle
  • Sport, travel and leisure
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