Marissa O'Grady Curtin

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Marissa has led the medical copy development of several global and US campaigns, including product launches, in therapeutic areas such as gastroenterology, rheumatology, neuroscience, oncology, and rare diseases.

The following is a glimpse of the types of work Marissa has completed for clients:

- Created and facilitated a global HCP advisory board meeting for a rare disease
- Concepted and created key campaign materials for the EMEA launch of a new multiple sclerosis therapy
- Led copy creation of a US website for a blockbuster drug in gastroenterology
- Operational copy lead for the Canadian product launch of a new metastatic breast cancer therapy.

Marissa is passionate about creating not only engaging copy, but balanced and accurate information that HCPs can rely on.

She has an excellent understanding of the regulatory, scientific, and ethical standards outlined in the following codes of practice: ABPI, IPHA, EFPIA, PAAB, and FDA.



  • Advertisements
  • Copy-editing
  • Digital and SEO copywriting
  • Tone of voice
  • Healthcare and pharmaceuticals
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